A Letter to Kids Who Care

This one goes out to all the dreamers at sea
This life is only what you want it to be.

Dreamers, K.Flay

Dear kid who cares,

Some day you will be in total control of the direction you take your life. You will call your own shots, make your own choices. You will set the bar for how people treat you and how you treat people. You will establish expectations. You will figure out what matters most and pass along those values you hold dear.

There’s an expression in Hebrew, L’dor v’dor. Generation to generation.

A steward is a care taker. A steward protects the values and valuables we hold in highest reverence. A steward ensures these valuables are passed along to the next generation in a better condition and with at least the same degree of reverence.

“If we lay a strong enough foundation.
We’ll pass it on to you.
I’ll give the world to you.
And you’ll blow us all away.

Dear Theodosia, Hamilton by Lin-Manuel Miranda

Some day.

“No one said life was fair.” Kid who cares, you’ll hear this throughout life.

And it’s true, it’s really not fair.

But you can be fair. And you can fight for fairness.

No one said life was kind.

But you can be kind. And you can fight for kindness.

Hear me when I say, the times we are in are not normal.

Kid who cares, please do not get de-sensitized. Fight that. Fight that by caring extra hard. Fight by listening to peoples’ stories and showing up when they need you. Be a helper. Lead with your conscience—that feeling inside that helps you discern good choices from the rest.

Thank you, caring kid. It’s because of you that I have hope that we can and will be better. Please, caring kid, keep caring.


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